Play Your Cards! Book USGS
Play Your Cards! Book
Play Your Cards! is a beautiful, full-color book created expressly for a special exhibit of the Bruce Museum of Greenwich , Connecticut, featuring the Stuart and Marilyn R. Kaplan Collection of antique playing cards, card games, and card boxes. Play Your Cards! features a wonderful selection of rare playing cards, games, and game boxes from the collection displayed in 64 full-color plates of card games dating from the Civil War to the present; Native American playing card decks painted on rawhide; the first card deck to feature a joker; examples of one of the earliest known baseball card series with playing cards (1888); Victorian Game Compendium, sterling silver card holders, and Napoleonic bone boxes made by French prisoners of war between 1790-1814. Also included are Civil War cards, hand colored tarock decks, Minchiate cards, transformation decks, and many unusual, early playing cards. —Â Midwest Book Review